lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007


Bienvenidas y bienvenidos a nuestro Theatre Club.
Esperamos poder compartir aquí información, opiniones y análisis sobre las obras de teatro que vayamos a ver.
Un cálido agradecimiento por vuestra participación.

Welcome to our Theatre Club!
We hope to share information, our views and analyses of the plays we see.
A warm thank you for your participation.

Millais's Ophelia
Click on the link above to the Tate On-Line Museum and have a go at the quiz on Ophelia!

37 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Este blog es maravilloso.

EOIGoya_Inglés dijo...

Sí, al Departamento le hace mucha ilusión.

Anónimo dijo...

Este blog va a ser la caña, me gusta mucho la foto del Globe.

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Anónimo dijo...

"Happy Days" was, as expected a fantastic piece of art; very hard in its essence but extremely well performed by Ms.Shaw (some of our students recognised her as Harry Potter´s wicked aunt, wonderfully well-educated voice! he staging impressive, a real wilderness. Sorry Willies you did not come out very well; keep trying and leet´s see if you can grow up!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Cyrano vivio una vida con mentiras y una nariz enorme.Fue una repesentacion muy graciosa, todo el mundo se reia.
Cristian era un tontaina pues se metia con la nariz de Cyrano, Cyrano, no le atacaba ya que le gustaba a su amada.
La muerte de Cyrano fue muy pesada ya que tardo media hora en morirse.
Pese a todo eso fue un teatro muy entretenido.

Anónimo dijo...

Cyrano vivio una vida con mentiras y una nariz enorme.Fue una repesentacion muy graciosa, todo el mundo se reia.
Cristian era un tontaina pues se metia con la nariz de Cyrano, Cyrano, no le atacaba ya que le gustaba a su amada.
La muerte de Cyrano fue muy pesada ya que tardo media hora en morirse.
Pese a todo eso fue un teatro muy entretenido.

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Anónimo dijo...

cyrano fue un poco aburrido...para algunas personas

Anónimo dijo...

Happy Days,a marvellous play. Fiona Shaw was great, her excellent performance reached the audience. The talk with the director and the actors after the play was something we didn´t expect but highly enjoyable. We had the opportunity to learn about Deborah Warner´s views on the play and the playwright.

Anónimo dijo...

Cyrano. Me hubiera gustado oir un verso más culto. Sin embargo reconozco un mérito a la obra: estaba lleno el teatro!!!
Muchos de nuestros "incorporandos" (perdón por el neologismo),lo encontraron entretenido. Es un buen comienzo del camino hacía terrenos más pedregosos

Anónimo dijo...

Oye, que los temas concretos de las obras están arriba! Podríais copiar los comentarios en su tema, para que así los tengamos en el mismo sitio? :)


Anónimo dijo...

Happy days was really good. Ms. Shaw did a marvellous job with half her body buried in the first part of the play and buried up to the chin in the second part. Her voice did everything. She really touched the audience many of whom gave her a standing ovation that was most diserved.However I must say that I don´t like this kind of plays, we know that life is often horrible but do we want to see it told so??? The theatre that is new was nice although somebody told me that it stunk as the slaughter house did when she visited it years ago with the school.

Anónimo dijo...

Cyrano was disappointing. The actor was bad: with the verse in the pseudo balcony scene when he looked silly saying what was a sincere declaration of eternal love on the face of battle. He was too comical and made Cyrano lose the greatness that the hero otherwise possesses. He should watch José Ferrer in the old film and a little. His death was terrible lacking in everything. Una pena que el actor se cargara un personaje tan popular y querido por el público. Que horror la escena del jardín y la batalla del principio donde se cargó el verso y el lance. However the young ones that went for the first time liked it.

Anónimo dijo...

Alguien tiene pensado ir al cine a ver 'La joven Jane Austen' en versión original?? Si es que sí que lo escriba y quedamos... que ir al cine es un acto social e ir en soledad está bien a veces... pero siempre hay que comentarlo... con unas cañas... jeje

Anónimo dijo...

He intentado publicarcomentarios aqui varias veces y no lo logro ¿ como se hace?

Anónimo dijo...

Good day everybody I'm Paloma from 4º G. It has been really difficult for me to get writing somethin here. This is my 5th. attempt. As you can see I've managed to do it without my name, it seems to be some problem with my password. Anyway, I went to see The woman in Black last evening. I enjoyed the performence very much. If it had been a film, I would have scared to death.I admit I'm really coward.
In my opinion Gutierrez Cava acted wonderfully changing his character several times along the stage show.
During the plsy nobody moved on their seats,no-one couhgted,there was a feeling of tension in the air...
The production is perfect for the plot and your attention and concentration is kept all the time. You never have the feeling hat it's a very long play.
I strong recommend this show, it's worth it.

Anónimo dijo...

I´ve been to London this last long week-end and I´ve watched"Shadowland". I can´t remember the theatre but it´s very near Leicester Square. It was about the life or rather the love affair that C.S.Lewis, the author of the stories about Narnia, had with an American woman whom he married at the age of 58 she being 41. The play was dramatic but with many funny comments. I strongly recommend it if anybody goes to London.The stalls are expensive 45 pounds. But the dress circle is a little cheaper! The acting was brilliant, we were really moved, the story is sad but you come out of the play feeling happy! There is nothing like the English doing plays!!!London is expensive but worth it if you go try a new shop in Burlington Gardens just off Regent st. called Abercrombie and Fitch, not sure abort spelling, you´ll love it

Anónimo dijo...

Yesterday, Saturday the 10th, my husband, my eldest daughter, her boyfriend and I went to see “El si de las Niñas”. The fourth of us agree in the idea that the play was very good.
When I was a child, a long, long time ago, I was forced to read the book at school. I liked it, but, it is better without comparison to see the performance. Obviously the theatre is not for reading but for to be seen.
I suppose most of you already know the text. Things have actually changed a lot between the youth nowadays and that described by Moratin. I have got two daughters and I cannot imagine me telling my daughters who must they marry whit. So is that, in my opinion the play has lost their topicality, but my husband disagree.
I didn’t like the scenery very much, as I told you; I prefer to see a good set rather than to imagine it. However, in this case, although it was not to y taste, I must confess it was not the worse I have seen.
There were two different kinds of actors in the play, quite different from each other. On the one hand there were the oldest ones and on the other the younger ones. Whereas the first ones, mainly Manuel de Blas (Don Diego), were wonderful, the second ones need already a lot of practice.
As for Manuel de Blas, I enjoyed his performance so much that, in my view, it justify by itself to see the production. Hi is very alike to the pictures of Goya we are use seeing. He was very well characterized, and his big head filled all the stage. His features are like the ones in a sculpture and transmit a great strength. His voice, powerful, deep and clear, was full of a great feeling. At the end of the play he was heavily sweating because of the effort and the concentration.
In short: a very good production with a great actor. I understand why the theatre does not had free seats.
Paloma 4º G

Anónimo dijo...

hello, Some of the people from the theatre group went to see "el sí de las niñas" We enjoyed it and some of the eleven-year-olds we took with us liked it very much. Don Diego was good and so was the mother. The younger generation of actors was horrible!!! the staging was poor but the costumes helped to situate us in time. worthwhile on the whole.
Paloma, you do not dream of telling your daughters who to marry, well I will certainly tell mine who NOT TO MARRY and I have already started kneading her mind a little(!!!!only!!!)so that she does not muck up the business and part of her life. Most probably she won´t listen but that does hinder me; very few students regard what teachers say and we have persevered for centuries!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Nowadays it´s fashionable in some Germman companies to enrolling their managers at spiritual retreats in monasteries. There, they have to live with the basic things. They hand in their mobile phones as they enter the monastery and they don´t have any electronic devices. One of the activities is ¨the morning walk¨, in silence, by the nearby river. They have to compare their lives symbolically to the changing river. They also have group discussions, lectures, meditation and free time. This kind of things can help people to start to listen to themselves.
Noemí. 4º G.

Anónimo dijo...

Bosses Turn to monks for breath of life

More and more people are affected by strees.This article shows you how German monasteries are reinventing themselves as spiritual retreats where companies are shifting from traditional team-building exercise to a more meditative form of stress therapy.

We find out how two different worlds can be compatibles.

Anónimo dijo...

Talking about Mr Hartright and Mr Carton, I think Mr Hartright doesn´t know what he really wants. His feelings, his situation, paralyse himself. He seems not to have any blood runing through his veins. And we (women) don´t like o man who doesn´t take the iniciative. However, Mr Carton knows perfectly what he feels and what he wants. You can like him or not but his speech doesn´t let you indiferent.
Noemí. 4ºG.

Anónimo dijo...

Known for his booming voice, stern and imposing physical presence and sometimes irascible temper, Fernan Gomez appeared in more than 200 films, directed another 20 and wrote novels, plays and poetry. He was also a member of the Spanish Royal Academy.
He also won international acclaim for his role in the 1992 "Belle Epoque" in which he played father to four pretty daughters. The movie won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
One of his most popular roles was that of a liberal small-town public school teacher at the outbreak of the Civil War in "La Lengua de Las Mariposas".
He received an honorary Golden Bear for his extensive career at the Berlin Film Festival in February 2005.
I´ll like you forever!!

Anónimo dijo...

Noemi, post comments of reading in the reading club. it´s at the top of the page on the left. Cick there. Thanks for you comments the summary is good and your opinion of the two men accurate.
Susan, very good.
María a very nice homage to Fernán-Gomez. He deserves the credit that he enjoyed in his lifetime. May he rest in peace.

Aeoros dijo...

Hello people! I belive I have been able to get in this blogg at least, this is a test-post

Anónimo dijo...


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