Vamos al teatro! Teatro: Centro Cultural de la Villa. Día: 14 febrero (jueves). Hora: 20.00 h. (Dura 1 hora 40 min)
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lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008
Dos caballeros de Verona (Shakespeare)
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Vamos al teatro! Teatro: Centro Cultural de la Villa. Día: 14 febrero (jueves). Hora: 20.00 h. (Dura 1 hora 40 min)
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10 comentarios:
Poor Shakespeare!! (maría)
Poor Shakespeare!! (maría)
Indeed!I too disliked the play. Years ago we saw A midsummer night´s dream by Pimenta and it was quite good, but yesterday´s was terrible, the text was sadly altered, the acting terrible, the stage ugly, there was nothing I liked. Compared to Lope´s it comes off worse. It was so badly cut that somebody commented to me that they hadn´t understood the plot. Not one person said they had enjoyed it! The only good thing for me is that it is always worth seeing Shakespeare, even if this is one of the minor plays it is good to see it. I have never read the play because of that, and I am glad I saw it. Will I read it after yesterday´s experience? I think I shall because there must be something good in it and I have to find what.
I totally dislike the play. As you say, Marta, the only good thing was what actors said, Shakespeare´s wise words, but not their acting. We couldn´t listen to them because they gave us their back many times. Silvia´s father acted bad, his speech was not real or credible. The dresses were inappropriate, Julia´s one was of the 18th Century, however, Silvia´s one was of the twenties. Incredible!
I think that Pimenta wanted to do a children´s format for mature audience, but in my opinion she didn´t get it because nobody understood it.
Anyway, to see bad plays is perfect to appreciate even more the good plays, don´t you think??
People who liked it, tell us why!
Exactly, as Maria says he who liked it please post a comment and say why, I agree with that positive comment bad plays only make good ones more obvious!
Nada más comenzar la representación de Dos caballeros de Verona, de William Shakespeare, noté una cierta desilusión en mi ánimo que se fue afianzando durante el desarrollo de la obra . Ver el escenario convertido en un cuadrilátero donde dos púgiles (los dos caballeros de Verona) se enfrentan y deciden el camino a seguir por cada uno de ellos, me hizo olvidar que la comedia fue escrita por Shakespeare, y me obligó a centrarme en la versión realizada por la directora de la compañía UR Teatro, Helena Pimienta.
La obra, como nos dicen en el programa, es de las primeras que escribió el autor, y ha sido muy pocas veces representada en nuestro país. El argumento trata del amor, sobre todo de la traición a la amistad y al amor. El tema es intemporal, por lo que la acción podría situarse tanto en el siglo XVI como en el XXI, pero, tratándose de Shakespeare, hubiera encontrado más adecuado una lección de esgrima que un entrenamiento de boxeo.
El escenario, desnudo de muebles, apenas unas pocas sillas que movían a conveniencia, facilitaba que los actores pudieran moverse con comodidad. Únicamente un gran espejo, que entraba y salía de escena, nos situaba en el lugar de la acción.
No me gustó el cuadrado cubierto de virutas o confeti sobre el suelo que al principio señalaba el ring, pues, al mantenerse durante toda la obra, en momentos en que algunos actores vestidos con traje oscuro se arrastraban, se les pegaban a la ropa partículas que al levantarse debían sacudir. Me pareció que, estéticamente, no quedaba nada bien.
Entre los intérpretes, Miriam Montilla –Julia– creo que fue la mejor, tanto de voz como en la declamación del texto. De ellos, Sergio Otegui, en su interpretación de Proteo, no me gustó. En momentos en que debía dar fuerza a una frase lo hacía gritando, sin que, a mi entender, fuera necesario. Gabriel Garbisu estuvo correcto dando vida a Valentín. No me gustó José Berenguer en el personaje del Duque de Milán. Había frases que, con una dicción bastante embrollada, no se entendían, y en ocasiones abusaba de los gritos. Creo que los dos criados cumplieron su cometido con desparpajo y comicidad. Del resto de la compañía no tengo nada que comentar.
Los aplausos finales, me pareció, no fueron muy calurosos.
Hermy y Jaime Vázquez
Well, it didn't bored me. It probably didn't have much of Shakespeare, but, anyway, I enjoyed particularly the Cuban performance... I can say I didn't dislike it.
I meant the Cuban servant's performance.
The Cuban was not bad he did a good job in a bad play, sorry to be so crude! The other day there was a review on T.V. about the play and my God! They said it was really good and that the actors did a very good job, all of them. Can you believe it? I said I know nothing about the theatre and acting, which I probably don´t but I just know that I didn´t like it!!!!
I did not like it either. When you adapt a play of Shakespeare´s you have to be extremenly careful not to ruin the plot and this happened! when you place the action at a time different to that which Shakespeare used you have to be extremely careful not to spoil it and they did it..and what about the acting? I agree with Hermy and Jaime, Julia was a bit better(not much)and the servnts too but the rest!!! When are we going to see good actors trying with Shakespeare? this is IMPOSSIBLE where Spanish actors are concerned, they are just INCAPABLE of doing it. Let´s see what happens when we go to "King Lear".
I have found something positive: the words; some of the things they said were relevant to us currently and very probably beautiful but we should read them in Englsh. i´ll try to get one or two verses and post it on the reading club.
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