We are going to see this play on April 17th. Please if you know anything about it let us know posting your comments. Tickets as usual are available in the English Department, you are welcome to contact us.
lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008
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Somebody has told me the play is very good so we have something to look forward to.
If anyone cannot go let me know. We have someone who wants a ticket.
Did someone fall asleep seeing it? I was about to do it!! The main actress (I don´t remember her name... neither in the play nor in real life) was terrible!! She seems to be suffocated in every verse. Generally, all of them were bad. Don´t you think? The best scene was in the balcony, between Porcia and The Prince, in my opinion, at least, funny.
Writing this review is going to be a difficult issue. I’ve been thinking to do it in Spanish, because I don’t know whether I’m going to be able to say what I want in English.
Anyway, I’ll try. What at that time was a question of honour, today is a social problem, the gender violence. Not only a woman is killed because she has been kidnapped, but also Her father agrees with the murderer!!!! It is Amazing nowadays! Since you cannot be sure who is going to see the play and how they can react, Calderón, or at least this play, should be forbidden. Well, I’m joking a little, but, thinking about it.
I didn’t like the play. The costumes were beautiful, but the rest is not worth it. The acting is very mediocre if not openly bad. You don’t “believe” the actors, they don’t transmit their feelings, you are not able to appreciate and share their grief or the tragedy. The music, in spite of being baroque music and being played with period instruments, neither is nice not appropriated, it lacks something, but I don’t know what it is.
In general I found a lack of strength, we Spanish, mainly at that time, are people more passionate; more exaggerated in our way of show our feelings. The actors didn’t have enough “garra”. Have you ever seen a person with a plain encephalogram? That was the image about this play I got.
I must say that I agree with the comments, they had told me it was good but I am afraid I didn´t find it so. The costumes were nice and Portia not bad but the rest!!!! D. Alvaro was pathetic you couldn´t believe him capable of anything let alone the kidnap! He was not heroic at all I was happy to see him shot. His father though a gentleman, lacked distintion and one could not see the good qualities that he possessed. Serafina would have made a fantastic servant but she made a very poor lady and how about her husband? He was more a painter than anything else.The text was good because the author is, but the theme and the message is obsolete, something that doesn´t happen with Shakespeare. King Lear is modern we see that what happened in the play is real, there is identification, with Calderón you feel that it is a thing of the past.I am glad I went but my mark is fail.
El pintor de su deshonra, de Calderón de la Barca, está catalogada dentro de los “dramas de honor”, género que tan bien cultivó nuestro autor del Siglo de Oro. El argumento se va apoderando de los espectadores manteniendo su interés hasta el desenlace final que, a pesar de intuirlo, causa un gran impacto por lo que tiene de actual en nuestra sociedad.
La versión de Rafael Pérez Sierra me pareció excelente, respetando el texto original con un verso preciso y de fácil comprensión. Fue el autor también de la versión de El médico de su honra, primera de las obras de Calderón con que comenzó su andadura la Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico en marzo de 1986, de la que era “asesor literario” con Adolfo Marsillach, fundador y director de la misma.
La puesta en escena me gustó; su director Eduardo Vasco ya nos había dado pruebas de su exquisito buen gusto en Las bizarrías de Belisa. Los decorados sencillos pero sugerentes nos transportaban con naturalidad a los distintos lugares de la acción. En los carnavales, con un vestuario pleno de colorido, llenaban el escenario moviéndose con buen ritmo; los cantables muy apropiados así como la música en directo ensalzaban más aún, si cabe, los magníficos versos de Calderón. Me gustó mucho la escena final cuando el pintor dispara y el telón de fondo se tiñe de brochazos de distintos colores entre los que predomina el rojo.
De la interpretación no quedé satisfecho: nada más empezar, en el diálogo que mantienen Don Luis y Don Juan –Francisco Merino y Arturo Querejeta– me dio la impresión de que hablaban bastante embarullados, no se les entendía bien y hasta mediado el primer acto en algunas escenas daba la impresión de que algunos actores andaban un poco despistados con el texto. En general no me gustó cómo decían el verso, principalmente Serafina, Nuria Mencía que, estando bien de gesto y de tono dramático en la voz, cortaba el verso línea a línea lo que producía un soniquete bastante desagradable impropio de una Compañía Nacional. Eva Trancón y José Ramón Iglesias bien en sus papeles de Porcia y Juanete. Arturo Querejeta muy bien en la última escena, frente al público, expresando todo el sentimiento dramático que había ido anidando en su corazón, hasta explotar en la culminación del drama.
Es un espectáculo presentado con mucha dignidad, como corresponde a una Compañía Nacional, muy agradable de ver, que nos acerca a nuestros clásicos y nos hace disfrutar de aquellos versos maravillosos escritos hace cuatrocientos años.
Hermy y Jaime Vázquez
Yes,I nearly fell asleep!maybe I was too tired,but the play didn´t help,we couldn´t see a dazzling performance from any of them, just Porcia and Juanete pulled out a few laughings from the spectators,but the others just delivered their speeches with no sensitivity at all,it was even difficult to understand them,as verse is not easy to follow.Costumes were nice,including the ones of the musicians.The main actors were not apropriately chosen,she was supposed to be a wonderful beauty,as to make the Prince fall in love all of a sudden, and she is not(I´m sorry to say so).His lover is neither such a handsome or smart man as to drive crazy for him.Night-night,it´s very late
The previous comment was mine,Silvia from 4th A
Thank you for your comments! Hermy and Jaime´s as usual fantastic, you put it so well you can´t imagine what a pleasure it is to read it! I´ve been opening every day expecting it and finally it is here, thank you very much
Como seguramente sabréis todos tenemos un nuevo blog dedicado al cine que hemos creado con una ilusión tremenda. Pero los blogs no funcionan solos, necesitan alma, y su alma es la gente que escribe en ellos. Sin vosotros, sin vuestra colaboración, morirá. No es necesario que escribáis en inglés, podéis hacerlo en español si os apetece más u os resulta más fácil, pero si optáis por intentarlo con el idioma de Shakespeare, no os preocupéis por los errores. Todos los cometemos, es así como aprendemos, nadie va juzgar como lo hacéis, somos vuestros compañeros. Lo que queremos es hacer algo que pueda unirnos, que nos permita mantener el contacto durante el verano y que nos entretenga y enseñe. Alguna gente escribe en inglés bastante bien y se puede aprender mucho de ellos, y si, además, ampliamos muestro conocimiento cinematográfico, miel sobre hojuelas. Venid, por favor, es algo nuestro, algo que nos convierte en compañeros y amigos independientemente de nuestro curso, nivel o estatus en la escuela. Por cierto, los amigos de nuestros amigos también son bienvenidos. ¡Os esperamos!
I know that this is not the "proper" Club, but maybe much people see it here!
TOMORROW Tuesday 22nd April we´ll see ELEGY, at 8.20 p.m. OK?? Our Club has been created to post comments about films, but it would be perfect that we go together to see them, don´t you think? It would be a perfect way of meeting! (Is it well said?)
CINES GOLEM (Calle Martín de los Heros, 14)
3.5 € (Monday), (Everyday): 5,5 €
See you!!??
Fantastic we must all post our comments and ideas thanks for the work and cooperation.
C/ Alcalá, 32
Martes 29 de abril
Hola a todos:
el próximo martes 29 de abril nos vamos a concentrar frente a la sede del Ministerio de Educación en la calle Alcalá 32, junto a los principales sindicatos, para protestar contra la pérdidad de nivel en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas. Os podéis descargar los carteles que os enviamos para llevarlos allí, también estamos trabajando en un logotipo que intentaremos tener preparado para hacer pegatinas.
Por favor, es esencial la asistencia de todos. Tienen que ver que esta reforma afecta a mucha gente. Sabemos que irá la prensa, por lo que también es importante que haya muchas personas.
Pasad este email a vuestros contactos, porque esta reforma deforma en pasado, presente y futuro... ¡Entre todos podemos cambiarlo!
Muchas gracias.
Marta Torres.
Representante de Alumnos en el Consejo Escolar de la EOI "Jesús Maestro"
Tel. 667.990.222
Blog de alumnos: http://lareformaquedeforma.blogspot.com
Blog de profesores: http://eoindignados.blogspot.com
I agree with the comments of Hermy and Jaime, but also with Paloma. I love the classic writters and Calderón de la Barca is one of the best. It´s because of that, his play deserves best performance. Well, "Juanete" was quite convincing, good actor José Ramón Iglesias.
The choreography, stage design and the costumes were amazing. In general the play is worth it but it is difficult not compare it with the performance in King Lear.
I was bored!! Sorry, but the text was very difficult to be understood from my seat. The words were not particularly beautiful and neither were the thoughts memorable. As to the plot I did not understand whether she was false to her husband or not: if she had abducted, why was she murdered? If not why wasn´t her husband condemned as a murderer? both parents support his action!!Absurd. Compared with King Lear absolutely out of date.
As to the performance impossible to believe; and Portia´s love story with the Prince, very unlikely, very little explained, and quite honestly, I kept remembering Wilde´s opinion on noses: "there is nothing more difficult to marry than a large nose" . Noses that big do not catch Princes.
Very funny about the nose! I think she was finally won over because when the husband was looking she said never have your arms been warmer or more welcome, so she had finally consented, I think, anyway she didn´t escape so that is a little suspicious...though I think her concience kept nagging
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