miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011


TEATRO: Canal (Cea Bérmudez, 1)
DÍA: 26 enero (2012), jueves.
HORA: 8pm

2 comentarios:

Rosa Advanced dijo...

Hello, everyone.

I am considering to go to watch this play. I have watched the film adaptation of "Benighted", made by James Whale, the director of "Frankenstein" and "The bride of Frankenstein", with the title of "The Old Dark House", and it's a masterpiece!

Rosa Advanced dijo...

Good nigth.

Finally, I didn't go to watch this play...but my parents did. And which is more, when she was young (my mother) she was an amateur actress, and she played the role of Hazel. She, and my father too, have just watched the play and they told me that they were better... And they were amateurs...

My mother told me the story, and it recalls me "Benighted", by the same author, and, I don't know exactly why, Jerome K. Jerome's The Passenger.

Good night.