Día: 8 Enero, jueves
Precio: 24e
Hora: 8.30-10.oo pm
Actrices: Maribel Verdú, Aitana Sanchez-Gijón
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008
UN DIOS SALVAJE, Teatro Alcazar, calle Alcalá 20
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35 comentarios:
Just coming back from holiday, to the theater! Fantastic! Moreover we´ll see a very good play, as I´ve read in papers. Every media says that both women are good, but I dare say that it could be true in Maribel Verdú´s performance, but not in Aitana Sanchez-Gijón´s. Do you agree?
why do you say so? I like her very much and I´ve also heard she is perfect in that play.Trust her!!
I will go another day,I´m not able to go with you.
I´m afraid that María is right. I´ve seen her on stage and she was not too good
Aitana is like Lydia Bosch. Both whisper instead of talking like normal people, which makes me become nervous listening to them and also makes them lose their credibility. You´ll see Silvia.
Last Sunday, I went to the theatre to see this play. I agree with the others comments, it is not too good as the reviews have written and I think that it's because of the actors' performance is very exaggerated. It's closer a TV soap than a play of theatre.
To those who want to have a drink before seeing the play: Roberto and I will be at theater´s door at 7. If you arrive later, look for us in the nearest bar.
I see I’m the first one who writes a comment here, so, my opinion is going to be completely original. I went to the theatre with my son Miguel (18) he thought the play was “detestable” As he was absolutely bored he spent his time looking at Maribel Verdiú’s neckline.
I didn’t like the play either. The acting was tolerable but the text was boring, repetitive and unoriginal, and the situation described in it was unimaginable in real life.
In spite of the fact that people in the theatre guffawed, I didn’t find the play so funny and the most I got was smile twice or three times. Perhaps, as one of the female characters in the play, I don’t have sense of humor either.
In short: if any other time you wish to see another marital fight, please tell me. After 26 years married I’ve got a great experience and I can offer you one much more realistic and, of course, much more chipper. My God! Thinking I paid to see to see a fight when entering my house I can have one of the quality I want with only saying one single word!!!
For me the funniest thing in the night was listening to my son, at home, telling his brothers his perplexity when he saw Carmen kissing people after the theatre, twice! Obviously in that moment he didn’t remember Marta and mistook her for Carmen.
Paloma you have sense of humour I assure you, your comment is an example. It is well-written too you can be funny in English that is something well done.
I agree with you the play was tolerable but not handsome enough, as Elizabeth Bennet. No, honestly I didn´t find it good just entertaining. The acting was deficient also. I liked Aitana more but not much Verdú was bad in my opinion, her husband the best of the lot.
I didn´t laugh, just smiled I agree the situation is not real, but that for me is not the worse thing, what is worse is that they didn´t make the most of it. However people seemed to like it a lot.
I agree with both of you. Actors overacting and situations well known, the play did not offer anything new to the audience even though people laughed rather often (I do not know why). Had the play been written by Woody Allen, I would have enjoyed it beyond a doubt. ;-)
I must admit I laughed, though Roberto doesn´t understand me... Sorry! ;) But it is because I like laughing and I enjoyed the situation. It seemed to me realistic though really exagerated. Now that bulling is at agenda (I don´t know if it is well said), what we saw yesterday on stage is what happens in real life. Parents don´t punish their children and believe in a savage god. Education is the worst thing we have in Spain, at schools and at home.
However, I agree with you, Woody Allen would have made a better script.
Aitana was better that I´d expected; Verdu´s performance, tolerable -but when they became quite hyterical and started to shout, I started to be tired-. Male actors, the best.
It was a play easy to see, just to have a good time as if you say any romantic american film, not much deep but enjoyable.
Anyway, I expressed my opinion and respect those people who enjoyed the play and laughed. Therefore, I'd appreciated it if they posted comments giving their point of view.
So, go ahead. You have the floor.
Although the play has been reviewed positively by most critics, I was a bit disappointed. Most people laughed all the way through the play but I found it just entertaining, there were some funny lines but the cast behaved in ways that people do not normally behave. I liked Aitana Sánchez- Gijón better than Maribel Verdu, the latter overacting most of the time, the same as Antonio Molero, I much preferred Pere Ponce (Aitana´s husband).
As for the plot, it starts with four parents solving a playground row in a very civilised way and ends up with everybody fighting against each other, a very depressing message
Thank you.
I´ve read your comments and what María says is absolutely true. That is really the point. I think that is what the play is criticising the educational system and the way children are brought up at home, well done María. Cristina in two lines summarizes that too. Really there´s very little hope for our society we are really bringing our children up terribly, the situation was extreme but enlightening.
I´ve read your comments and what María says is absolutely true. That is really the point. I think that is what the play is criticising the educational system and the way children are brought up at home, well done María. Cristina in two lines summarizes that too. Really there´s very little hope for our society we are really bringing our children up terribly, the situation was extreme but enlightening.
Thanks Marta for your support!! I think you will be the only who does so!!
Obviously, we can´t compare it with Shakespeare´s, but we have seen worse plays, haven´t we? That´s what I said in class: if you don´t expect any good thing on a play, you´ll probably find it better or tolerable. But if you go to the theatre expecting something great and it is not so, you will go out being disappointed. So the best disposition is not going expecting anything, but going without any prejudice and just seeing what it is going to be shown.
the only one, I meant
the only one, I meant
Hello everybody,I didn´t enjoy the "tragicomedi" very much.
I had read many coments about it in other pages(for instance: entradas.com). You will check there everybody thinks about it. They warn you about not going to the play because it´s very bad and expensive.
So the question is: Why can´t you get any ticket for this play till the very last day?...
María you are absolutely right,if you expect too much the disappointment will be great.
Esther I´ll check what you say, what I can´t understand is that there are no tickets
Well, when we went out from the theatre and I said that I had liked the play, everyone saw me in a strange way. Nobody would have imagined I liked it. But I have explained myself. Do you the same!! Why didn´t you like it?? It is easier to write bad things than good ones! So take the chances!
As for me, I liked this play more than Botto´s Hamlet (apart from the text, of course). And you??
Well, I´m back after a long time!!!
Paloma, I´ve liked your post very much because, as Marta says, it has lots of sense of humour and I like this quality in people above most things in the world: "I dearly love a laugh", like Lizzy. I´m a little puzzled that your son thought us one, since Marta was dressed in black and me in white, but, in any case, if a person says Hello again the best thing is to offer your cheek, not draw back, because the prospective "giver" of the "second" salutation could be offended!!! This of course is not my case, but he will find it´s a very easy way of making propspective "enemies", an aunt of mine still remembers that one of her nephews did not say hello to her once, 15 years ago!!! Does he mix much? He should enlarge his social life and go out more, socialising´s part of your education, and a very important one, easy manners, are always advisable. Not to worry.
María, our champion, you´ve taught us a lesson, profit from everything you see!! you are right and I have to admit that I´m prejudiced against actors and actresses in this country, particularly the female species!Having said that I think I know why it´s so succeesful: it deals with bullying,and education,it is rather funny (??), and easily understood, no big words, no big topics, after all losing your teeth in well-to-do families is no big deal, though keeping them is of course much better, and better still not to be brought up by Maribel Verdú or Aitana, my God! this play has made me a lot more confident where my daughter is concerned, she is very lucky!!!
Roberto, you admire Woody Allen too much! He is not very original, is he and I´d like him to explain his affair with his wife´s daughter in one of his films, wouldn´t you???
Do you see that you can profit something good of this play?? How not to bring children up, for instance. thanks for understand my view!
for understanding! sorry
Only one word, Carmen, about Lito. I asked him the same questions you ask in your comment and he told me he didn’t realize you were dressed in a different colour!!! And I believe him because always is the same. We are always quarreling because of his “selective sight” On the other hand I also told him his reaction was very impolite and he recognized it, but he explained me it was because his perplexity ; he was thinking how affectionate person you were, kissing people and wishing they happiness twice!! He had never seen something like that before!! and engaged with his thoughts he was unaware of reacting in the right way. Anyway, he is still very young and yet learning “manners” but I’m sure he will be a perfect “gentlemen” in time.
Dear Carmen. Woody Allen is not Shakespeare, however, in my experience he is the best film writer/director showing relationships and humour in a clever way. Every single of his quotes is worth listening to. On the other hand, I am not interested in his private life. Besides, many times genius are detestable in the rest aspects of their lives, aren't they? I hope someday I am able to change your mind about the issue.
I think that if we create a thread where to speak about private lives of actors, directos, etc., our Film Club would be more successful!! ;)
Yasmina Reza nos presenta a cuatro personajes que no nos son ajenos, que hemos visto o vemos en nuestro entorno o, incluso, con los que en algún momento nos podemos identificar. La aventura que nos plantea está tratada con realismo, cargada de un fino humor que en ocasiones arranca la risa del espectador dentro de la tragedia individual que va viviendo cada uno.
Creo que la personalidad de los cuatro está muy bien definida: Una mujer casada con un hombre gris, que hace patente su superioridad intelectual (al menos es lo que ella cree) en el entorno familiar en que vive. El marido asume su condición de padre que aporta con su trabajo los medios económicos para vivir. Del otro matrimonio, él, es el que me parece más auténtico, el que desde el principio se presenta como lo que es: un hombre entregado por entero a su profesión, con muy pocos escrúpulos a la hora de conseguir aquello que le pueda proporcionar fama y dinero. Ella vive amparada en su sombra, intentando suavizar en lo posible las formas groseras de su marido. Los cuatro giran en torno a la reyerta ocurrida entre dos de sus hijos, uno de cada matrimonio, con puntos de vista opuestos entre los padres del agredido y los del agresor. Es un combate que va deteriorando la buena armonía que en principio intentan mantener.
La autora de ARTE nos sorprende en esta nueva obra por su conocimiento del ser humano y la sencillez conque nos presenta a sus personajes que poco a poco van desvelando su verdadera personalidad hasta llegar a la “derrota” final.
Me gustó mucho la interpretación de los cuatro actores. Todos ellos bien conocidos, tanto en cine como en televisión, con una trayectoria profesional en teatro que avalan la popularidad de cada uno. Aitana Sánchez-Gijón supo rodear a su personaje de esa falsa apariencia de comprensión intentando demostrar a sus visitantes su alto nivel intelectual. Estupenda, junto a Maribel Verdú, en la borrachera que ambas protagonizan con mesura, gracia, sin sobreactuación.. Antonio Molero da la réplica perfecta del hombre trabajador, no cualificado, un tanto “primitivo” que apoya constantemente lo que su mujer dice. Maribel Verdú perfecta en su papel de mujer sumisa, tratando de limar las asperezas que van surgiendo en las distintas intervenciones de su marido. Magnífica en la escena más “trágica” de la obra: la del vómito enorme sobre aquellos muebles y libros impolutos. Muy graciosa agarrada al cubo en previsión de un nuevo ataque de arcadas. Pere Ponce estupendo en su papel de hombre que ejerce una profesión liberal y que fuera de ella lo demás no tiene la menor importancia. . Perfecto en sus conversaciones por el móvil, que parece pegado a su oreja; sus cambios de tono, sus paseos nerviosos por el escenario, y esa escena final intentando reconstruir los ramos de tulipanes, como queriendo volver a empezar y reparar el deterioro que han ido sufriendo las relaciones de los cuatro personajes.
La dirección de Tamzin Townsend me pareció estupenda (hace un año vimos su Seis clases de baile en seis semanas), un escenario muy sencillo, perfecto para que los actores se movieran con facilidad. Supo sacar de cada uno de los personajes toda la sabia que tenían dentro imprimiendo las gotas de humor precisas
Fue una velada estupenda como colofón a las fiestas que terminaban, el público que llenaba completamente el coliseo, tributó grandes y merecidos aplausos al final de la obra.
Maria I think the film club is not successful because it's very difficult to use it. Only very few people can start a thread and even one of these, me, have forgotten how to do it. People should be able to post about whatever film they want
If someone wants to post a thread in the Film Club, could do it! You have to tell Michelle to make you an author, and that´s all. If not, you can also say what you want to post (to Roberto or me, we are always here, so you can find us easily), and we´ll do it for you!
We are a team!!
The problem is that I think there is no one who wants to participate. It´s a pitty, because every excuse is good to practise English.
Hermy y Jaime, I don´t know if you´ll read this, but, is there any play you don´t like?? It is not a criticism, but a humble question... I´m curious.
Anyway, Arte will be performed in February. Will we go???
Paloma, the film club is not difficult at all. It's even easier.
By the way, I have heard of Hamlet's coming soon to Teatro Español. This time better played.
Anything would be better than we saw indeed!
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