Día: 27 Noviembre
Hora: 8-10pm
Precio: 9e
Metro: Latina
martes, 14 de octubre de 2008
Las Manos Blancas no Ofenden, Teatro Pavón (c/ Embajadores 9)
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The classics are always a must. I hope I´ll be able to go to this one
A very lose friend of mine, Alicia Lázaro, is responsible of the music in this play. She always do a great job arranging period music performed with period instruments with the addition when needed of “bridges” of her own hand in the proper style.
She is also presently working for the Auto de los Reyes Magos, directed by Ana Zamora that will be at the Teatro de la Abadía in December http://www.teatroabadia.com/temporada/ficha.php?id_obra=7
May be should we go? Or at least to open a blog for this topic?
Of course I tried to say a CLOSE friend of mine...
thanks, alessandro for information. we´ll try to go
thanks, alessandro for information. we´ll try to go
thanks, alessandro for information. we´ll try to go
Alessandro, Teatro Abadía is always a very good idea. (Without having wished it I´ve done a rhyming) ;)
Poetry flows after seing "White hands..."! I enjoyed the play very much, in fact, I daresay it has been the best I´ve seen there. We knowing some actor from other Pavon´s play, they acted very well, their pronunciation was perfect and made the text be perfectly understood. The music, the wardrobe, marvellous.
A funny story with happy ending worth seeing it!
I also liked play´s title, full of good intentions. However, not always good intentions are rewarded. Don´t you think?
I liked the play quite a lot, the actors were better than Marisa Paredes, which is not saying much but it is nice to go to a play and come out with the feeling that you have not wasted your time. The words were very interesting, and enlightening on some matters, the gordian knot which formed the plot,quite funny, the overprotected prince hilarious,a most fantastic wardrobe, by Lorenzo Caprile, exquisite!, and quite a surprising ending, honestly i did not expect that the Prince would get his prize, but they all seemed to be quite happy, as we were whn we came out.
Last night I enjoyed the play very much. The acting was reasonable, for me Cesar was one of the best very funny and he said the verse well, it was not forced. I liked the duchess too, it was in my opinion one of the best plays I remember in this theatre. The clothes, designed by Caprile were really beautiful and they compensated the lack of furniture, etc., which did not really seem necessary as the actors moved in those fabulous clothes.
The play was very good, the entanglement of the plot at one point seemed impossible to descigher, and yet it would have been so easy to do for Federico, that one wonders if his love for Serafina was there all the time and prepares us for the end which would otherwise have been impossible.
When Shakespeare said:"Frailty thy name is woman" he had of course no idea about Federico.
The play reminded me of Twelfth Night in the changing of sexes and one wonders if that is not a wish that many have: the possibility of changing for a time their sex to see how it feels.
I think the music was very good and the way the used it in combination with songs, in short I really enjoyed the play as many for all the comments at the end were positive.
Congratulations to company director actors music and wardrobe
I loved clothes, music and actors, but...
don´t you think that we could find two parts in the play?the first one took place as a little static part and it was not so easy to understand, and the second one(when we know the prince Cesar) much more dinamic and cheerful.
I enjoy the play quite a lot, however, I agree with you Esther, I also was confused with the plot in the beginning and after it was getting better. Apart of that, it was a very amusing play at the Theatre Pavon, which is one of my favourite theatres, with very good actors and exquisite, amazing wardrobe which I have never seen in a play. I would like to wear one of these fantastic dresses for Carnival!.
LAS MANOS BLANCAS NO OFENDEN.- Teatro Pavón 27-11-08
Después de un largo paréntesis nos encontramos nuevamente a las puertas del Teatro Pavón dispuestos a presenciar Las manos blancas no ofenden, de Calderón de la Barca. La elección de la obra me pareció muy acertada, tanto por su autor como por la compañía que la subía al escenario.
La comedia es un prodigio de situaciones de enredo, con aparente difícil solución pero que la mano maestra de su autor conduce a feliz término. Toda ella está impregnada de un fino humor que va cautivando al espectador actual como ya lo hiciera en épocas anteriores.
Eduardo Vasco, una vez más, demuestra su gran pasión por el teatro clásico y su enorme conocimiento de los autores del siglo de oro; hace una versión impecable de la obra manteniendo toda la esencia del original, actualizando el lenguaje sin perder la musicalidad de sus versos. Su dirección y montaje me parecieron excelentes: un escenario desnudo donde los actores se mueven con facilidad; en el foro, en plano inferior, está situado el grupo musical. Una música muy apropiada que acompaña a los acontecimientos que se van sucediendo. Gran acierto de la directora musical, Alicia Lázaro, al elegir estas partituras extraordinariamente interpretadas por las tres mujeres que componen el grupo. El coro de los actores, con voces muy bien conjuntadas y llenas de melodía; como asimismo los solos cantados por algunos de los actores y actrices del elenco artístico. Insisto, me pareció excelente la elección de la música y la dirección y montaje de las melodías.
En el programa de mano nos dice la directora musical: “Las manos blancas no ofenden utiliza la música como parte integral de la dramaturgia, y se acerca así a la zarzuela barroca que iniciaba su historia como fiesta cantada...” Se dice que fue Calderón el primer autor de zarzuela estrenando en 1657 El golpe de las sirenas, a la que puso música, al parecer, su amigo el maestro Juan Hidalgo.
La interpretación del conjunto de la compañía me pareció excelente: su forma de decir el verso con la entonación precisa y una dicción perfecta, nos trasladaban con naturalidad a los lugares y época de lo que se representaba.
Federico, Joaquín Notario, en su primera intervención con un párrafo bastante extenso, le supo dar la fuerza dramática que en ocasiones requería. Toni Misó dotó a su personaje, Patacón, de la comicidad apropiada, al igual que Elena Rayos en Nise. Miguel Cubero en su papel de César, travestido en Celia, hizo una interpretación muy cómica cambiando con facilidad en su doble personaje y demostró unas buenas cualidades en sus cantables. Las dos protagonistas femeninas, Pepa Pedroche y Montse Díez en sus respectivos papeles de Lisarda y Serafina dieron a sus personajes la desesperación de los celos, la fuerza y el calor precisos en cada momento. El vestuario lleno de colorido ayudó a la vistosidad y grandeza de la obra.
En resumen fueron dos horas de verdadero placer ante un espectáculo musical con los versos maravillosos de Calderón, dichos por actores estupendos magistralmente dirigidos.
El público premió con fuertes y calurosos aplausos a los actores que salieron a saludar en repetidas ocasiones y que yo hago extensivos a todos los componentes de la Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico.
Hermy y Jaime Vázquez
As usual an impressive comment, very entertaining and a perfect criticism to the wonderful play, I´m so glad to read it! I´m always eager to read your analisis because it´s so good and so well-written it is a real luxury to have you writing all these reviws for us THANK YOU!
I liked the play, it was really fun and the cast was fine but I liked Marisa Paredes at Sonata de Otoño more than this actors.
I found it particulary interesting the music in the play and the scenes with two actions, one principal and another behind. It was very well done and I think is very difficult to do that at theatre.
I´m very glad you liked the play Antonio, and it is fine you liked the other too. It is a surprise though as not many people did, though I´m sure it had assets
Una comedia palatina de capa y espada poco conocida en nuestro tiempo. Las manos blancas es el espejo de la corte de la época escrita por un Calderón pleno de frescura
Mabel you are improving with the computer! Thank you for your comment!
Yes, I really liked "Sonata de Otoño" and I wrote a post in favour the play but too late and I think nobody read it.
I read it Sosias. ;) But I´m afraid I don´t agree with you. The play being good, the acting was unnatural, in my opinion.
I liked the play a lot , the part I liked best,was the woman who dressed as a man, and the man who dressed as a woman. The woman dressed as a man because of jeaulousy and the man dressed as a woman because he wanted to marry the princess.
I don´t agree with you, María, I think they were trying the acting to be so so that it would be funny I think the play was good. Not all the actors were as good, I didn´t like Serafina so much, but on the whole I think the play was a success.
Magdalena I´m glad you liked the play I also liked the change specially the man´s
Oh Marta I was referring of Sonata (as for Sosias has just said), and not to White hands! I enjoy the play very much, as I said above! Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Yes, Magadalena, I agree, disguised characters were the funniest.
María I have misread you are absolutely right and it is clear.
Hermi, thanks for your good review. I always enjoy reading them.
At first, I thought I wouldn't like the play. A comedy setted in the gold century didn't promise to be very interesting, But in the end it impressed me greatly. The combination between verse, music and humour was splendid.
I usually go to zarzuela and opera and I think in this play I have seen actors with a hight quality. Especially I liked Miguel Cubero (Cesar & Celia), in my opinion he was the funniest actor and the best singer in the play.
Manolo 3ºB
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