TEATRO: Lara, (c/ Corredera Baja de san Pablo, 15)
DIA: 12 de febrero (jueves)
HORA: 20.30
jueves, 22 de enero de 2009
"Días de Vino y Rosas"
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18 comentarios:
I sell my ticket, if someone wants it, tell me. Thanks!
I don´t have it yet.
Someone told me it is a very good play with so strong a plot as well.
A hard topic the one it tackles,alcoholism.
I won´t be going with you next thursday.You´ll tell me later!!!
Silvia I´m glad to hear it is good after so many bad ones!!! Let´s see if it is true
I´ve seen this play today as tomorrow I´m going to a concert, and this is another kind of play that shows how good are the other ones... Neither actor´s performance nor the play itself are good. I´ll say more when you all have seen it.
Oh...Once again!!!I´m sorry to hear that.
Isn´t it that we are all being too hard with our critics? Hahaha!!!
Silvia, I usually try to see the good things in plays, but it is really difficul to do such a thing in this play. However, the person who went with me liked it very much... I´m looking forward to reading your opinions
So, how was the play? It is certainly a very dreary story, isn't it?
Did you like it? I have only seen the film which I think it difficult to surpass.
I'm very surprised at your comment, Maria. I liked very much the play. I think the performances of both actors were great, mostly Silvia Abascal's. Taking into account I am not a big fan of hers - i believe her usually too sugary - she really impressed me!
DÍAS DE VINO Y ROSAS.- Teatro Lara 12-02-09
Cuando decidí ir al Teatro Lara me hice el propósito de olvidarme de la película de Blake Edwards que he visto en repetidas ocasiones y que me parece maravillosa, para no sentirme presionado por la exitosa cinta y ver solamente la obra de teatro. Y así fue; he visto teatro del bueno.
“Días de vino y rosas -dice Tamzin Townsend- es una obra maestra que habla del amor y del dolor de la pérdida, de lo que pasa cuando dos personas se quieren con locura , pero tienen una debilidad que son incapaces de superar”. La relación de los protagonista que empieza con un amor intenso y sincero se va deteriorando hasta su destrucción final sin posible recuperación.
La directora británica, afincada en España, es una auténtica productora de éxitos – El método Grönholm, Gorda, Seis clases de baile en seis semanas, Un Dios salvaje- hace un trabajo perfecto con los actores a los que mima y saca de ellos toda la humanidad que requieren los personajes.
Me gustaron mucho las dos escenas en las que utiliza destellos mientras los protagonistas van de un lado para otro, descolocando muebles y creando el caos en la habitación. Otra escena que me encantó, la primera en la casa, donde los dos personajes, llenos de ilusión y amor, brindan por una nueva vida.
Los dos actores están magistrales: Carmelo Gómez –Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, Cine, Televisión- es un actor muy dúctil, vigoroso, simpático, con una bonita voz que modula perfectamente. Al comienzo de la obra irradia simpatía y un gran poder de seducción y en las escenas dramáticas perfecto de gesto y tono de voz adecuado a cada momento.
Cuando llega a casa, recién nacido su hijo Pablo, ese casi monólogo moviéndose por la escena, lleno de ilusión, de amor y con un poder constante de persuasión hasta convencer a Sandra de que volviera a beber, me pareció una interpretación llena de autenticidad como así, al final, cuando trata de convencerla, sin conseguirlo, para que vuelva con él y deje la bebida. En la declaración a “Alcohólicos Anónimos” me pareció de una sinceridad asombrosa.
Silvia Abascal, joven actriz pero con una muy buena trayectoria teatral y televisiva, ha hecho una gran interpretación de su personaje: simpática, amante de su marido al que quiere con locura, rabiosa y dulce, con voluntad, en ocasiones, de poner freno a la bebida y débil, muy débil hasta el final.
La escena en la calle sobre el colchón, es de un ser perdido que ha traspasado el límite y no puede regresar, su interpretación está llena de matices, de rabia, de odio, de impotencia para salir del abismo y su falta de fuerza para arrastrar consigo a Luis. Es una escena fuerte, dura que resuelve con brillantez.
Las borracheras de ambos me parecieron excelentes. En ningún momento hubo caricatura, era autenticidad en una interpretación hecha por unos estupendos actores.
Una sola objeción, creo que en la segunda parte se alarga demasiado el diálogo que, en ocasiones, resulta algo repetitivo
Felicidades a David Serrano responsable de la adaptación, a la directora Tamzin Townsend y a Carmelo Gómez y Silvia Abascal que con su arte pusieron sobre el escenario del Teatro Lara este Días de vino y rosas con el que disfrutamos de un teatro bien hecho.
Bueno,graciass a vosotros por una critica insuperable! Yo iba a hacer una ménos positiva y seguramente no tan precisa. La obra me gustó. Estoy de acuerdo que se alargan los diálogos en ñas escenas finales, sobre todo en la escena del colchón. Creo que Silvia Abascal abusa del grito que utiliza para mostrar la borrachera y que tiene que mejorar la respiración, Sus frases sonaban falsas en bastantes ocasiones, como aprendidas de memoria, no sentidas. Carmelo, que tiene una bonita voz, está mejor sin duda pero el soliloquio de "alcoholicos anonimos" me resultó forzado y no logró conmoverme, tampoco consiguió convencerme en la escena del colchón.
Creo que, sin embargo ha sido mejor que las otras que hemos visto, y ya llevamos unas cuantas!!!! Lo mejor fuero las dos escenas con las luces intermitentes para representar las borracheras.
Helo, there I had to do it in Spanish for the benefit of Hermi and Jaime, our two best critics! i´ve liked the play better than the others we have seen so far but quite honestly I was totally disappointed with Abascal´s performance, I mean she looks sweet and loving to her husband, but she doesn´t transmit weakness, somehow she didn´t touch me i found it ahrd to believe it was real, he is defintely much better.
As to the play in general I´ve said it Spanish too long at the end but it manages to show the inability that some weak characters have to rise from the pit, and this is indeed sad. I thought the last scene where he confesses that what he was afraid of is her recovery because he just did not want to go back with her is really sad and...common, don´t you think?
Hello!!!this is the fierst I write on this blog. I did go the other day to the thatre, Days of Wine and Roses. Well, I loved it. The best Silvia bascal performance, the bad (how do we say this?),the seats were to small, and I'm not so big.je je. I didn´t like Crmelo Gomez so much.I think he was overperformed??. When I went out of the theatre, I thought it was a very good play, but after talking with Marta yesterday in class, maybe I change a little my opinion, but not so much. After thinking in what she said about the performance maybe it's not as good as I thought. I was so immersed on the play that i didn't really thought if an alcoholic drinks like that or not, I' ve never seen one. About all those details that Carmen posts, probably are like she says, but as I have said, I didnt realized them. Probably I would need another time to say whether I agree or not.
I´ve read all your comments and they are very interesting. Jaime and Hermy´s are wonderful as usual, it is a treat to have them doing our critics. When I read the comment I always have the sensation I know nothing about the theatre. Angela it is wonderful that you got so involved in the play if it did that to you it must have something good. Carmen I think your comment is really good too. Mine is going to be a little more negative. The play didin´t captivate me at all. Carmelo did not transmit in my opinion, the reality of the drama when he addressed the audience as if we were the AA´s. He was stiff and false, he didn´t convince me in any scene practically nor did she. I was often bored with the long dialogues that were not necessary and I was disappointed with the whole play, the film was much better. Can anybody believe ME saying this???? I who never go to the cinema?. What I liked was the way the music linked the scenes and the use of the light to express the alcoholic orgie. It was however much better than November or Hamlet and I´m glad that people seem to have enjoyed it.
Well ,I didn´t see the play but so
stirred up feelings you show that I´m willing to go and see it!!!
From all your comments I grasp it was very emotionally moving.
I was not moved at all. The scene in which Carmelo Gómez adressed people was depressing. He didn´t know how to move their arms, and besides, that scene was completely unnecessary. Overacted Silvia Abascal didn´t transmit anything either. I agree with you Marta, in this case, the film is much better. There are no vague plays, but actors that don´t match up to them.
Hello again!!I've reading some of the posts, specially yours Marta. I understand what you say, but don´t you think that things are very different in cinema and theatre??I think it happens the same with books and films, nearly always, the book is better, because in the film it is quite difficult to include all those details that a novel has. I haven't seen the film (I'm looking for it) and probably it is better, but that's the thing, that when you try to remake something that has been great once, it is very difficult to reach that level. How do you say that famous sentence: second parts never are good?? have a good night.
PD: Now I have internet at home
Maybe the contrast between "Noviembre" which was the last I went, and "Días de vino y rosas" caused me a feeling of disliking for the first one and fancying for the second. My first reaction was that it was fantastic, becouse I felt captivated by the story and the personal conflict of the characters. But after considering the Marta´s criticism, maybe I agree that the interpretation was surmountable.
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