TEATRO: Español (c/ Príncipe 25, Plaza de Santa Ana), sala principal
DIA: 18 de Febrero, miércoles
HORA: 20 horas
PRECIO: 16.50e
jueves, 22 de enero de 2009
"El encuentro de Descartes con el joven Pascal" (Jean-Claude Brisville)
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A few days ago, some friends saw the play and they said me that the performance of Pascal was very bad, with a horrible voice and the dialogues were no interesting.
However, today I have seen the play and I've liked very much. Flotats is a marvelous actor and it's easy to pay attention to the discussions about religion and the sense of life.
And only one hour long. Impossible to get bored.
A few days ago, some friends saw the play and they said me that the performance of Pascal was very bad, with a horrible voice and the dialogues were no interesting.
However, today I have seen the play and I've liked very much. Flotats is a marvelous actor and it's easy to the diccussions about religion and the sense of life.
And only one hour long. Impossible to get bored.
I’m really sad. I didn’t go to see the play because I thought I couldn’t because of the hour in which it stars. In the end my husband was on duty and I wasn’t needed. Please tell me whether the play is worth seeing, if so, I’ll try to see it on the weekend.
The play is worth seeing, Paloma, I liked it and have to admit that Flotats is only of the few actors we have in this country who is relaxed, or pretends to be , on stage!!!! Having said this I was delighted to hear his catalan accent gone, since the last time I saw him two or three years ago, but I found his attempt at doing a French accent very annoying.
The other actor was pathetic, there is no better way of describing him, though I have to admit that he managed to make his oppnent shine, both in the role (descartes) and as an actor (flotats). it was so quick that before we knew where we were we were out!!! This is not going to happen in the new version of Hamlet I´ve booked, FOUR hours!!!!
The text of the play is very good. The interpretation is correct, but, sometimes, Catalan accent appears in the Josep-María Flotats performance's.
Teatro Español 18-02-09
La representación que acabamos de ver es una obra de autor (o de texto) como dice su director. Asistimos a un debate entre los dos grandes filósofos del siglo XVII. Es un trabajo de ficción que su autor, Jean-Claude Brisville, crea basado en el encuentro real que se produjo en un convento parisino sin que haya trascendido la conversación que aquellos dos hombres mantuvieron.
La austeridad del mobiliario como el vestuario de los personajes nos trasladan de inmediato al siglo XVII donde vamos a asistir al enfrentamiento de dos hombres que se admiran mutuamente a pesar de las diferencias de ideas y formas distintas de afrontar la existencia.
Descartes en la madurez de su vida, más realista y seguro, utiliza la razón. Pascal, por el contrario, joven, impulsivo, muy visceral y categórico en sus creencias, de salud delicada atraviesa, quizá, por una profunda crisis existencial. Dos seres humanos distintos: la razón y el corazón. Descartes en un momento de la obra le dice a Pascal:
-Yo también creo en Dios como vos, pero de manera distinta-.
La interpretación me pareció extraordinaria. Es difícil mantener el interés del público durante hora y cuarto con un texto profundo, sin apenas movimiento de los actores.
Albert Triola hizo un Pascal tímido en su encuentro con el maestro, esperando un Descartes algo distante y se encuentra con un hombre que se pone a su nivel. Me gustó mucho su actuación, marcando muy bien los cambios que se van produciendo en su ánimo en el desarrollo de la conversación.
Josep-María Flotats es magnífico. Estupendo de voz y de gesto, dando sentido a cada frase, trasladando al espectador la enorme humanidad del personaje dramatizado por Brisville. Fue una velada muy interesante tanto por lo que se decía como por la forma de decirlo.
Salí del teatro recordando lo que en una entrevista decía Flotats:
“-Y el espectador sale del teatro pensando soy más inteligente... Me han elevado intelectualmente”
Los aplausos de un público completamente entregado que abarrotaba nuestro Teatro Español, se prolongaron durante varios minutos, mientras los dos intérpretes saludaban desde el escenario.
I didn´t think I would be impressed but I was and the play carried me into the world of Descartes. I LOVED THE TEXT.I daresay, the whole experience of this kind of plays will enrich lives for a long time to come. Descartes displays a hearfelt leader whose choices leave us all thinking about our individual and collective morals and our personal duty to respect our lives and our part in each other´s. In two words, live and allow to live.
Carlos well done! Jaime and Hermi your comment is fantastic as usual, when one reads it one feels more intelligent and learned thanks!
My comment is coming late, but anyway I want to give my review...
I did like the play, the script was very good and Flotats´ performance, excellent. First of all I found his accent a little bit unnatural, but soon I changed my first feeling and liked his fluently in his speechs, comparing them to young Pascal´s, which were too annoying. We saw a figth between the senior (Flotats-Descartes) and the junior (Triola-Pascal), and I´m referring not only to them as characters in the play, but also as actors. Flotats-Descartes showed his forfulness with elegance, the opposite to Triola-Pascal, who did his role weakly.
However, I think this play to be the best we have seen this year. Together with "Las manos blancas..."
I've just seen this play and I also found Flotats very impressing. I liked him, both the actor and the character. In fact, I was looking forward to his next sentence, particularly because Pascal's character was quite annoying to me. I found him very repetitive - I was hoping that he wouldn't come back to religion every time because they couldn't possibly take anything out of it, given Pascal's blindness. I would have definitely liked the play more had the relationship been more balanced... Do you think that Pascal was actually that tormented?
By the way, when Descartes mentioned his deceased daughter and the princess of Sweden, I was reminded of a book I read some time ago, which I liked very much, where that story was turned into a novel - Hierba Mora, by Teresa Moure. You may like it... I'm copying the synopsis.
Hierba mora es el nombre de una planta, una mala hierba común que comparte con la literatura el poder de mitigar el dolor y con las mujeres la mala fama, ya que de una y de otras se ha ido diciendo a lo largo de los siglos que son tóxicas y de mala ralea, muy inclinadas a las malas pasiones. "Hierba mora es también el título de esta novela de Teresa Moure, que intenta devolver a la vida privada el protagonismo que le corresponde, tomando como pretexto la figura de Descartes. Testigo privilegiado de las andanzas del gran filósofo son tres mujeres bien distintas: la reina Cristina de Suecia, que lo hospedó en su castillo pocos meses antes de su muerte, su amante holandesa Hélène Jans e Inés Andrade, una estudiante de hoy empeñada en mostrar el perfil más íntimo de Descartes, el de un hombre que no supo amar y vivió en ese hueco triste que deja la pasión mal cuidada. De amor y sabiduría, de humor e ironía está hecho "Hierba mora", un libro donde aparecen cartas de hace trescientos años junto a correos electrónicos del siglo XXI, conjuros para atraer amantes retraídos y borradores de poemas, fragmentos de ensayo e historias tan antiguas y hermosas como sábanas de hilo.
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