TEATRO: El Canal (Cea Bermúdez 1)
DIA: 14 Enero (jueves)
HORA: 8.30 pm
martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009
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Well yesterday we saw a really good play. It was dynamic, the acting good and energetic the movement of the actors on the stage a success and the use of light and other elements all helped to create a funny and real atmosphere.
I liked Carolina very much she was a silly and at the same time sly Angelina, and the rest of the main characters were good. They all managed to create a wonderful funny atmosphere. The text was gorgeous, it was a delightful evening, I'm not surprised there are no tickets!
I liked the play because it was very funny and dynamic. All the actors were very good. Some of them are good actors who have been acting for a long time. I liked too how they changed the scene. It’s very interesting to see how a curtain could be a wall, a tree... this is why the theatre I magic. I liked especially the part of the cemetery and how they climb the wall.
Manuela, I think you have written a very good message and I agree about the cemetry it was really a good scene and very funny.
Hi everybody,
I am going to write about the play we went to see last Trursday, I liked it very much. I think it's an excellent idea to get on the stage. In my opinion, the best characters were Angelina, German and Brigadier, in special Angelina. I usually watch Carolina on T.V., and I think she is an excellent actress, but in the theatre she surprised me because she became in Angelina a wonderful way.
Hi everybody,
I am Virginia, 4ºD, I don't want to change my last identity.
After your descriptions I can’t say many things about the play, but one of the most amazing actings was Carolina’s, in the scene where Angelina, her character, runs away with her lover, the change in her manners; in her first scenes she was a calm, polite, sweet girlfriend and daughter, then she turned to be a very bad tempered girl, shouting at him as if she were a mad girl.
What is most amazing of all it’s the fact of knowing her in real life, she’s very sweet and it seemed impossible to see her in that way, so it wants to say she’s a very good actress.
I had a very good time during the play and also after it when Carolina introduced to us an actor, then when all of us went to have a beer before go home.
I enjoyed a lot with every thing in the theatre. I liked all the actors in the play but specially, the best for me was Angelina. I love how she is moving in the stage. Her acting was full of strength and she seems to me brilliant. I also love her clothes, her dress was beautiful.
And finally I want to say that the presentation of the play was very original.
Virginia, she turned into Angelina, I agree with you that she did it very well, and I also think the best were the three you mentioned.
Clara... what is most amazing of all is... what is the subject you don't need to put it again....before going home. The gerund!!!
You have described very well those changes, it is true that she did it very well.
María, I enjoyed myself a lot with...The adv should go at the end,if we don't put it there it is for emphasis,which is what I do in my previous comment, but I think it is better for you to stick to the normal position as if you don't it could be thought that you don't know the correct place.
I am with you about Carolina,she made a fresh youthful, silly Angelina and a histerical one too
I have no more words to add what everybody has just said with regards to the fantastic play that we saw on Friday, it was really funny and of course Carolina was superb, but today I had read a criticism about the play, I don't agree with the author of it. He says that the actors spoke extremly loudly, it doesn't seem to me, but certainly there are days better than others; the critic points out one point of view that it looks to me interesting, he says that at the beginnig when the actors appear with their flashlights it could be troublesome to the others actors when they were shinning light upon them.
I would like to know the opinion about it from Carolina, is it really unpleasant or no?.
Mercedes, to add to what...some days are better than others...point of view which seems interesting to me.
You have to follow the English structure, you'll never go wrong if you do it.
I don't agree with the critic either. I think that theatre critics in Spain are really bad, but I heard that the reviews said that the play was good.
ANGELINA O EL HONOR DE UN BRIGADIER.- Teatros del Canal 14-01-10
Mi pasión por el teatro de Jardiel Poncela desde mi primera lectura de su obra, allá por los años 50, hizo que me apresurara a acudir a esta cita para ver este drama de 1880. La obra la he leído varias veces y también la he visto representar en distintas ocasiones. Solamente con escuchar los versos tenía asegurada una buena tarde de teatro. Pero es que, además, pudimos ver una puesta en escena estupenda y una interpretación fenomenal. Juan Carlos Pérez de la Fuente tiene acreditado sobradamente su bien hacer y el buen gusto en la dirección de escena.
Un escenario vacío con telones que van cambiando según el lugar donde se desarrolla la acción; los muebles muy vistosos, colocados por los propios actores con pasos de ballet, acompañados de una música suave; el piano perfecto en su colocación y el muro del cementerio muy eficaz.
Los actores se movían por el amplio escenario con absoluta comodidad en su ir y venir en el transcurso de la acción. La presentación de los personajes del drama me pareció estupenda con el juego de linternas, y la utilización del velocípedo muy adecuada.
La interpretación me gustó. Una buena dicción por parte del total de la compañía y una forma muy correcta de decir el verso, ayudaba a que no perdiéramos nada de la gracia que tiene el texto.
Chete Lera en Don Marcial; veterano actor en todos los medios interpretativos, dio a su personaje el coraje y la fuerza que requería con el buen hacer de un gran actor. Soledad Mallol, Marcela, cumplió en su papel de amante desdeñada y esposa arrepentida. Rodolfo, interpretado por Daniel Huarte, muy gracioso en la composición del personaje y en la forma de hacer los recitales poéticos. Jacobo Dicenta, Germán, muy bien de gesto y de voz. Estupendo en las dos o tres ocasiones que aparece en escena con la mirada perdida, de ido, y al final, en el velocípedo, huyendo a la desesperada. Y Angelina: la dulce Carolina Lapausa. Bien de movimiento, gesto y voz; simpática, alegre, coqueta. Creo que este es el primer protagonista que hace; ha hecho su debut de la mano de uno de los mejores directores de nuestra escena. Mi enhorabuena. El resto del elenco cumplieron a la perfección .
Pasé dos horas fenomenales; me reí, disfruté del teatro del bueno, y el público que abarrotaba la sala también, a juzgar por la gran ovación que se pudo escuchar al final de la obra.
Hermy y Jaime Vázquez
I am glad to read this criticism like the others I had read, but Marcos Ordoñez didn't make a good criticism, on Saturday, of course we shouldn't take always the letter the critic's opinion.
I am really agreed with Hermy y Jaime Vazquez and the rest of criticism than Marcos Ordoñez's feeling.
Finally, Marta: Thanks a lot for your corrections, I learn with them.
Mercedes, thank you I want you to improve now that you have reached this level.
I really agree....
Jaime and Hermi what a nice post. In fact it is a perfect criticism!! You write so well it is a pleasure to read it, I've been going in the blog every day to see if it was there and what a nice surprise to finally read it.
Thank you very much it is fantastic to have you doing these reviews
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