martes, 26 de enero de 2010

"LAS CRIADAS", (Jean Genet)


6 comentarios:

marta dijo...

Well, just to say that we saw, in my opinion the most horrible play yesterday evening, three men acting as if they were gay, not women, waving their arms up in the air stupidly, were on the stage for two most boring hours!!!
One wonders how can a decent play be ruined by such performance.
The director included some most inappropriate incestuous scenes that only created confusion if one didn't konw what the play was about.
And how about the orgasm that Solange had with the wardrove???
I was not shocked, no one is these days, I was disgusted.
Don't go to see it, one feels like throwing up. Specially as I know the play itself is interesting. I had seen it years ago and I liked it.

CARMEN dijo...

quite honestly, we saw some cheap representation cabaret-like, but on the cheap vulgar side of a cabaret. Horrible actors, if you could call them that, with a lot of what pretended to be a "modern, liberal" interpretation of Genet which to me resulted in a total loss of what the play really was about. It was on the whole DIRTY, i did not applaud and I will never forget what has been, undoubtedly the worse play I´ve seen in my whole life!!! Someone said (can´t remember who) that "whenever you go to the threatre to see a naked body and not a naked mind the theatre would not survive" Think of this and then of threatre in Spain...We have it all WRONGGGGGGGGG!!!

Mercedes dijo...

Abadia´s web allowed to see a short video about the play (very unusual). When I saw it I thought "there´s more than enough here". I decided not to go.

Carmen dijo...

very clever

marta dijo...

I like the quote it is absolutely true.
Mercedes how clever!
I wonder at Abadia's showing the play, they must think it is good, that theatre is going to disappear, what they show lately, I mean the last 5 years or so, is terrible most of the times.

Mercedes dijo...

I want to be fair. I have seen very good plays at Abadia, but sometimes they make a mistake.
Last Setember I saw a great play called Hotel Paradiso.